Tuesday 16 August 2011

Smart Phones

The smart phones are totally changing the way we see and use the technology that is present today. Any technology is fundamentally different when it goes mobile. They have invaded so much into the lifestyle of the users that it has spliced itself into the personal lives than any other device. For this reason, these devices have gained the largest leap in the personal technology after the hit of the home PC.
The functions that are available in Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) and mobile phones are present in these devices. They have become famous these days as they integrate several networking techniques like Bluetooth, GSM and WLAN (IEEE 802.11). The smart phones and its services are dependent on the demand and the developers have focused more on the features and less on the security.
Consequently, they are facing lot of issues related to security that arise due to various wireless technologies in a single gadget. Some of the security issues are due to their complex software needs and these issues are specific to the devices. The analysis of the vulnerability in the software components that are present in them is intricate and it requires some custom approaches.
During the tax time of the year or on holidays, the user may want to have a look at the bills. This criterion was highly impossible before but now with these advanced gadgets this has become very easy. They enable the users to use their financial data without the need to worry about the giant folders that contain tons of data. Now it is as simple as logging in to an application and staying connected to it.
It is a well-known fact that it is insecure to conduct business using the public Wi-Fi connections. It is quite easy for the hackers to gain access to the others computers in Wi-Fi connections. They can even get access to the information available on the others computers. These phones are in no way different from the computers as they are also insecure when used with Wi-Fi connections.
A report states that the internet security software that is a part of most of these hi-tech gadgets today is not updated. The software is not capable to face the challenges as the hackers of today can get access to the messaging applications in the handset including the email of the users. As it has become too easy to manage the everyday banking with the latest smart phone applications there are more chances for the hackers to peep into the details of others.
Users have to take care and avoid hackers from gaining access to their personal information. Whenever there is an advantage due to the rise of some technology, there is also some bad thing accompanying it. It is very useful to store personal information on their phones but at the same time it is dangerous when it comes to security issues. Hence it is better to use smart phones for banking and financial purposes only in secure environments. 

Are we in need of apps like paying bills and shopping and other financial activities because smart phones are more vulnerable than other?

The smart phones are totally changing the way we see and use the technology that is present today. Any technology is fundamentally different when it goes mobile. They have invaded so much into the lifestyle of the users that it has spliced itself into the personal lives than any other device. For this reason, these devices have gained the largest leap in the personal technology after the hit of the home PC.
The functions that are available in Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) and mobile phones are present in these devices. They have become famous these days as they integrate several networking techniques like Bluetooth, GSM and WLAN (IEEE 802.11). The smart phones and its services are dependent on the demand and the developers have focused more on the features and less on the security.
Consequently, they are facing lot of issues related to security that arise due to various wireless technologies in a single gadget. Some of the security issues are due to their complex software needs and these issues are specific to the devices. The analysis of the vulnerability in the software components that are used in them is intricate and it requires some custom approaches.
During the tax time of the year or on holidays, the user may want to have a look at the bills. This criterion was highly impossible before but now with these advanced gadgets this has become very easy. They enable the users to use their financial data without the need to worry about the giant folders that contain tons of data. Now it is as simple as logging in to an application and staying connected to it.
It is a well-known fact that it is insecure to conduct business using the public Wi-Fi connections. It is quite easy for the hackers to gain access to the others computers in Wi-Fi connections. They can even get access to the information available on the others computers. These phones are in no way different from the computers as they are also insecure when used with Wi-Fi connections.
A report states that the internet security software that is a part of most of these hi-tech gadgets today is not updated. The software is not capable to face the challenges as the hackers of today can get access to the messaging applications in the handset including the email of the users. As it has become too easy to manage the everyday banking with the latest smart phone applications there are more chances for the hackers to peep into the details of others.
Users have to take care and avoid hackers from gaining access to their personal information. Whenever there is an advantage due to the rise of some technology, there is also some bad thing accompanying it. It is very useful to store personal information on their phones but at the same time it is dangerous when it comes to security issues. Hence it is recommended to use smart phones for banking and financial purposes only in secure environments. 

How many percentiles of smart phone users we have in India?

The mobile ecosystem is experiencing a drastic change as the sum of users making use of the mobile data is rising more rapidly. The smart phone users were very few some time ago as there were only some manufacturers and the devices were highly expensive. Now, this situation has changed as a lot of companies indulged in manufacturing smart phones.
About 150 million users among the ones surveyed were found benefited from the mobile web until now. This sum of 150 million comprises both the on deck and the off deck users. At present, there are about 50 million off deck mobile web users in India and this figure will increase to about 70 million by this year. The term on deck includes the mobile web assets that are under the telecom operators while the term off deck includes those that are not possessed by them.
A consumer survey has indicated that around 78 percent of the mobile web users belong to the age group of 18 to 34 years and around 75 percent of them are men. Also, 23 percent of these mobile web users have found to use the internet through their smartphones. About 90 percent of the mobile internet users in India are graduates.
The consumers in India have always avoided the use of mobile internet owing to the limitations like slow connection speed and poor experience. The telecom companies in the country are in the verge of taking the 3G mobile networking to the next generation. This will start by the coming year and it will be of significant importance in enhancing the digital experience of the users.  They are also in the pace of offering reasonably priced smart phones to their consumers.
It is also cited that an average user uses the mobile apps for about 81 minutes per day when compared to using internet for 74 minutes in a day. This was 43 minutes and 64 minutes in the year 2010.  About 80 percent of the smart phone users are found to use mobile web at least once in a day, 73 percent uses social networking websites and 50 percent use smart phones for shopping. Above all, 63 percent of the users are hoping to use their smart phone for shopping in the following year.
The percentage of apps consumption is also estimated to increase as per the survey. Of those who people observed, about 35 percent were found interested in using their mobile phones for downloading apps. An important point to note is that the smart phones are exhibiting larger application usage when compared to the feature phones.
About 14 percent of the users were making use of their feature phones only for voice communication while in the case of smart phones it has dropped to 3 percent. The use of Wi-Fi has also increased from 5 percent in feature phones to 50 percent smart phones. These statistics are in reference to the keynote session named ‘The New Mobile Ecosystem’ of the Mobile Conversations held at New Delhi.

Monday 15 August 2011

Are the Smart-phones a need for Indian consumers or a fashion?

The first question that arises when any technology develops or releases is whether it is necessary or not. Eventually, there is no escape for the smart phones from this analysis. Some people might consider these hi-tech devices as mandatory for their lifestyle while some may consider them to simply be fashionable ones. Continue reading this topic to find out more details about their necessity and usefulness.

The manufacturers of these devices have gained a clear understanding of the requirements of Indian consumers and hence they are can change their products to effectively serve the demands of the consumers. Currently, people wish to unite their entertainment as well as their communications together in one device. This clubbing facility allows them to enjoy great convenience. These latest devices are changing the lives the users in a better way every day and have also made the daily routines simpler.

The smart phones are extensively used to get access to the emails and multimedia messages as well as for the social networking purposes. These devices are also used to download audio files and to stream audio and video using the mobile broadband. The dual core processors fitted in these phones also support high-definition video conferencing and video streaming that are greatly demanded by consumers.

The smartphones can synchronize with the PCs or laptops and hence the users can avail PC functionality with them. Hence, these devices are highly useful for the business people who access their emails very often and give many presentations. The smart phones cut their burden of carrying a separate PDA and a handset by combining all the facilities. This feature allows the users to avail the benefit of multitasking with these gadgets.

These phones are more than being a device alone, as they also express the personal style of the users. It is also considered as a status symbol for some of them. The elegant look of these devices is not the only one that will express the style as how the user chooses to make use of it also counts. They offer significant functionality along with expressing status and style to their consumers.

Are the users of such hi-end gadgets today utilizing all the applications in them or owning them for the fashion sake? For the youngsters, using them is something pretty essential as they have grown along with it. They are small and handy devices that allow the users to use internet. Nowadays, cellphones especially smart phones are more prevalent than any other gadgets and they are also fancier.

Users prefer the elegant design of these phones before considering the features in them. Smart phones find use in mobile banking, train and flight timings and ticket booking and for more useful purposes. A survey has revealed that only about 10 percent of the users are making full use of all the applications while the rest of them are procuring them only for style and fashion. The sleek design and the elegant look of these gadgets made them fancy devices.

What kind of audience is considering smart phone in India?

Smart phones manufacturers are struggling to face the global recession similar to the manufacturers of other devices. India being a developing country has users of all types of phones. These high-end devices are mainly used by the richer segment of the society and by the teenagers. The rest do not prefer to use them as they are the hard-working people of the society. The elders might feel comfortable to use the normal mobile phones as they will not need any application.
The smart phones are mainly adored for their classy look, stylish exterior, high-end operations and elegant appearance. Using them is a kind of status symbol for some of them while it is a style for some others. People who use mobile applications highly will definitely prefer smart phones. Indians prefer using utilities for their applications to their luxuries.
Business users make exclusive usage of the business apps available in the smart phones. They will usually prefer only a single device for their presentations and to download information. They will be of great aid to them as they have everything embedded in them. They will be quite useful for extremely busy people CEOs due to the fact that they cut need of carrying a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) and a handset.
The usage of social networks like Facebook and Twitter has become very common and this has resulted to the rise in the mobile data consumers. People browse the internet for most of their requirements before they directly go to the specific application as it can lead to a better solution. Most users choose to use the 3G connection for internet as it is quite faster. The smart phones are also used extensively by youngsters who download tons of music, games and other attractive applications.
These gadgets are also preferred by travel freaks as they can use the travel related apps for guidance. Users who always have an urge for the digital experiences will surely love to use the smart phones. For users seeking more of entertainment, the finest option would be the smart phone as it enables them to stream videos, play games, listen to music, record videos and access social networking websites. The digital technologies have still not been completely established in the Indian market and once they do, it is sure that more users will opt for smart phones.
For the consumers in India, the smart phones are the same as the PC and this fact as enabled the device to stretch even to the intact consumers. Their sales figure will increase by about 25% when compared to the last year and this can result in a fall in the smart phone prices and can attract more consumers. The telecom providers in India are also aiming at taking their consumers to the path of inexpensive smart phones that will have 3G networks and this will happen in the next year. 

What kind of audience is considering smart phone in India?

Smart phones manufacturers are struggling to face the global recession similar to the manufacturers of other devices. India being a developing country has users of all types of phones. These high end devices are mainly used by the richer segment of the society and by the teenagers. The rest do not prefer to use them as they are the hard working people of the society. The elders might feel comfortable to use the normal mobile phones as they will not require any application.

The smart phones are adored for their classy look, stylish exterior, high end operations and sophisticated and elegant appearance. Using them is kind of a status symbol for some of them while it is a style factor for some others. People who use mobile applications highly will definitely prefer smart phones. Indians prefer using utilities for their applications to their luxuries.

Business users make exclusive usage of the business apps available in the smart phones. They will usually prefer only a single device for their presentations and to download information. They will be of great aid to them as they have everything embedded in them. They will be quite useful for extremely busy people CEOs due to the fact that they eliminate the necessity of carrying a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) and a handset.

The usage of social networks like Facebook and Twitter has become very common and this has resulted to the rise in the mobile data consumers. People browse the internet for most of their requirements prior to directly going to the specific application as it can lead to a better solution. Most users choose to use the 3G connection for internet as it is quite faster. The smart phones are also used extensively by youngsters who download tons of music, games and other attractive applications.

These gadgets are also preferred by travel freaks as they can use the travel related apps for guidance. Users who always have an urge for the digital experiences will surely love to use the smart phones. For users seeking more of entertainment, the finest option would be the smart phone as it enables them to stream videos, play games, listen to music, record videos and access social networking websites. The digital technologies have still not been completely established in the Indian market and once they are done, it is sure that more users will opt for smart phones.

For the consumers in India, the smart phones are the same as the PC and this fact as enabled the device to stretch even to the intact consumers. Their sales is anticipated to grow by about 25% when compared to the previous year and this can result in a fall in the smart phone prices and can attract more consumers. The telecom providers in India are also aiming at taking their consumers to the path of inexpensive smart phones that will be powered by 3G networks and this is estimated to happen in the next year.